Ashen Fissure is the primary city of Griddish. It is considered the center of life and culture.
Ashen Fissure is located on the Ashen Plains. To the southeast are the Ashen Hills. To the south are Corinder Freely and Lavendar Freely, which are lightly inhabited wild regions. To the Southwest are the Slipshot Silos to Var 7 and Var 8. To the west is the agricultural regions known as Blunding Strife. To the Northwest is the Sea of Blisshen. To the north is the Council of Engineer Class Citizens.
Notable Places[]
Sanguine Heap[]
Sanguine Heap is the military center of Rive Amber's Bestiar Class Slaves.
The Bastion[]
The Bastion is the technology center of Griddish, from where systems are managed.
The Dusk Quadrant[]
The Dusk Quadrant is an underground area reserved for Slaves to engage in debaucherous activity while maintaining a muted connection to the Tenddrome for the sake of obfuscation and anonymity.
The Council of Engineer Class Citizens[]
The Council of Engineer Citizens is the administrative center of Griddish, managed by a technocratic government established by the Engineer Class Citizens.
Stoic Planar[]
The temple built for Cythiria Crenshaw after the Great Refrag.